Landscape Location Scouting (Part 2)

If you are a landscape photographer you are probably heard about landscape location scouting. In order to create stunning pictures of a particular area, we need to gather as much information as possible of the location.

In this article, I am going to write about landscape location scouting. Our next trip with Peter is going to be in Tenerife, in January we are going to roam the island for a week. In order to find the best spots, we need to do some research about the best places.

High Tatras by Gabor Boszormenyi

In my first article, I covered the landscape location scouting through 500px and Google maps. In this part, I want to share my other ideas about landscape location scouting.


I found Instagram very useful, especially my favorites are the save and send options. You can create collections and save images in that pool. This little bookmark icon is what you need. The send option is pretty obvious, with the plane icon you can send posts to your friends on Instagram. I have always use the save feature to create collections for my upcoming trips.

Read my article about How to get more followers on Instagram.


The Sunsetwx website is a quite new tool to predict sunsets and sunrises, while Suncalc tells the direction of the sun. I have tested it a few times and it worked pretty well for both sunrise and sunsets. The way it calculates is to get radar information about high-level and low-level clouds. Since low-level clouds are blocking the horizon, therefore, the light could not get through to paint the scene or high-level clouds.


Visit the location

The best way to create stunning images to know your location. So, therefore, the best that we have already visited the place and have a better understanding of where the sun sets and rises, and how the area looks like in different seasons. How much we need to hike to get to the perfect location.

I hope you like this article if you do so please share it with your friends. Thank you!

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