Peter Crouch Wife, What Did Abbey Clancy Declare on Her Podcast?

Abbey Clancy, the 38-year-old TV and model has enacted a peculiar policy in her home that amusingly upsets her husband former professional football player Peter Crouch. In their joint podcast “The Therapy Crouch,” Abbey made it clear that she has decided to stop using the front door to their home. This is a an effort to keep the perfect condition of their brand new flooring. Abbey declared her intention to keep the home spotless and clean, a position that appears to have somewhat irritated Peter.

How Has Peter Crouch Reacted?

Peter Crouch, known for his jovial humor and laid-back style, has embraced the new rule of the household with a smile even with a touch of joking with his wife. They were married in 2011 often provide snippets of their day-to-day life as well as a lighthearted chat on the podcast. They also provide viewers with insight into their marriage interactions. In spite of the new rules, Peter appears to be dealing with the issue with the same smile and humour as is evident in Abbey’s playful remarks and the posted photos of him spending his time at home as well as during holidays.

What Are Some Glimpses of Their Personal Life Recently Shared?

Recently, Abbey shared several personal photos that show their playful personality and those intimate memories they have with each other. One photo showed an untidy Peter who was sun-kissed on an unoccupied bed during the holiday season and sipping a glass rose wine. Abbey posted another photo of New Year’s Eve. She captured her with a glass of red wine. She appeared sad, hinting at their celebrations. A photo of Peter enjoying a relaxing time in a large jacuzzi was captioned humorously by Abbey to reflect the relaxed and fun atmosphere that surrounded Peter’s birthday celebrations. They ended their day with a tea at the end of the day and Abbey snapping the food remnants left of her meal, and then noting it as being the “perfect ending to the perfect day.”

Did Abbey Clancy Experience a Health Scare?

In a sadder disclosure, Abbey shared a personal health concern that had a significant influence on her. She revealed that she was crying out in pain after starting feeling numb right from her waist down. The incident was a cause for concern and resulted in Abbey very shaken, and brought an element of seriousness to their normally fun exchanges. The details of the health issue were not discussed further, but it did highlight the difficulties that the couple face beyond their public image.


Abbey Clancy and Peter Crouch continue to tackle the challenges of life in public while balancing their own personal challenges and experiences. Their podcast is not just as a platform to entertain but also an honest glimpse into their lives, which blends humor with the challenges they confront. The dynamic duo is able to keep their viewers active and entertained while being supportive of each other during life’s challenges and ups. Their story is an example of the balance between maintaining a positive public image and dealing with personal issues with grace and a sense of humor.

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